Sunday, November 9, 2008

Want some Pork and Beans?

I don't know how many Weezer fans we have in the blogosphere, but their song "Pork and Beans" is AWESOME!  This week we have been talking a lot about "viral videos" and I think Weezer's "Pork and Beans" fits our discussions greatly!

According to Wikipedia, Rivers Cuomo wrote this song in response to Geffen's request to make Weezer's music more commercial. He was so angry, he was inspired to write this hit song.  The lyrics reflected this discontent with the "commercial" request:

I'ma do the things that I want to do
I ain't got no
thing to prove to you.
I'll eat my candy with the pork and beans
Excuse my manners if I make a scene.
I ain't gonna wear the clothes that you like
I'm fine and dandy with the me inside.
One look in the mirror and I'm tickled pink
I don't give a hoot about what you think.
To match the request of record  executives, the music video captivated this "commercialness".  The video features countless "YouTube celebrities".  Many of the viral videos you have seen have made it into this video to represent the concept of being "commercial".  It really goes to show that people to pay attention to viral videos, even Weezer.  Enjoy watching Chris Crocker, Gary Brolsma, Matt McAllister, Caitlin Upton,  Eepy Bird's Mento and Diet Coke Experiment and the Dancing Banana from Peanut Butter Jelly Time



bradleyf said...

I think that Chris Crocker is so funny! He used YouTube to make himself famous by making himself look like a crazy Britney Spears fanatic. He got to go on tv shows after this video was aired. I can't even really tell if he did it as a personal pr campaign or if he is just obsessed with Britney. Who Knows. Funny post!

W. Bamson said...

This video is definitely a shout out to the Web 2.0 community and it is a great song. I think this video speaks volumes for the idea that YouTube breeds celebrities these days and that the internet makes up a large portion of our pop culture references. I find it funny how the hit T.I. song "Live Your Life" featuring Rihanna, samples the song made famous in America by the "Numa Numa Guy" who is also a YouTube star featured in the "Pork and Beans" video. Great post.

Royal Raven said...

Yeah, interesting story since River Cuomo was famous for denouncing the old fans for a new sell-out approach for Weezer's Green Album. I think the video is really good and the songs o.k. too but I still love their first two albums which didn't reference pop culture but instead focused on themes so complicated and inappropriate that I can't mention them with out getting in trouble.

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